Journaling Helps with Self-Awareness
For some people, keeping a journal has been a practice employed since adolescents. For others, it is a new discipline. Whether you’re accustomed to writing or an intermittent writer, journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to download your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe space. Journaling has kept up with technology, and there are many online journals available. Some people formulate their thoughts on voice memos, which is another great way to liberate your mind when your hands are busy. However, if you prefer, there are always plenty of pen and paper journals to fit your style and preference.
Reasons People Say They Don’t Journal
I don’t have time: Journaling doesn’t require extensive time. You can journal as much or as little as you desire. If this is your argument, consider journaling for 2 minutes. You’d be surprised by the thoughts you can capture.
I don’t know what to say: This is where journaling prompts can help. You are given a topic for the day to write on. While prompts can be helpful, sometimes journaling may not prove cathartic. The solution is to use both prompts and your present thoughts. When nothing alarming is top of mind, then use the prompts. Alternatively, when you need to release some of those unwanted thoughts, then you write about those topics.
I don’t journal every day: Great news! You don’t have to journal daily for this tool to be effective. Set your goal each week and stick to it. If your goal is to journal twice a week, set your days weekly and journal on those days.
Someone may find my journal: You are right! Whether a digital version or a pen and paper version, unwelcomed eyes could read your introspections. If you fear someone finding your journal, get creative, you can find a place to hide it.
If you read this blog with any consistency, invest in a journal, either digital or paper. Track along each week as new journal prompts are given three times a week, and the exercise takes less than 5-minutes. After a time, you’ll observe patterns in your thinking, your life, and your relationships. This observation will assist you in becoming self-aware; you’ll be better for it.